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Twin Seedbeads — from Preciosa Ornela

New for 2012 - a new two-hole seedbead. It looks a little like those domino masks for a maskerade party - but with two holes, there are many, many new possibilities for new designs.

Preciosa Ornela has designed some free projects to help get you started - you can go to their website for more!

Actually I should explain here that there are two very similar beads that are small, oval beads with two holes in them. We have both the Twins and the Superduos. The difference is the Superduos are more exactingly made, and a little more substantial - they are a little heavier. And, as such, a little more expensive than their plainer cousins - the Twins. The Superduos also come in some more interesting finishes and colour variations. If you think that is confusing - well, you are in good company. The SuperDuos have moved to their own page!

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