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Sunset After The Storm

by: Lee Metsalo

The colourway for this bracelet came to me while driving to the cottage one Friday evening after a rainstorm.  The setting sun was filtered through the remaining clouds.  Trees and lakes were shrouded in mist.  Occasionally the Canadian Shield popped through and made an appearance.  And everything glowed with the remaining light glistening on the wet ground.  

I like adding a couple of dangles to the ends of my bracelet, but you can use the memory wire end caps too.

Tools used:  heavy duty wire cutters suitable for memory wire, round pliers, flat pliers

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Qty: 1 s35760 Glass - 7x8mm Cathedral Cut - Abandoned Quarry (Strand 25)Price: $ 9.98
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Qty: 1 27806214-07 Glass Beads Round - 6mm - In a Mint Matte (strand 30)Price: $ 2.55
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Qty: 1 27806206-10 Glass Beads Round - 6mm - Mulberry Mist (strand)Price: $ 5.70
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Qty: 1 27806214-19 Glass Beads Round - 6mm - Spiced Mochaberry Matt (strand)Price: $ 5.40
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Qty: 1 22601350 Headpins - 1.5in / 20ga Big Ball - Goldplated (50)Price: $ 7.98
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Qty: 1 25000765-01 Memory Wire - Large Bracelet Memory Wire - Goldplated (.5 oz)Price: $ 6.95
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Qty: 1 tc93-0447-26 Metal Beads - 3mm Beaded Bead - Bright Gold (50)Price: $ 7.27
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Qty: 1 tb11r221 Toho Seed Beads - 11/0 - Metallic BronzePrice: $ 8.49
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