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Dragonfly Links

by: Anne Marie Desaulniers

Dragonflies flit through the air, bringing light, wisdom, transformation, change and adaptability to your life. At least in a symbolic sense! My dragonflies are linked with chains, but still give a lasting impression of daydreams, light and movement! If you only made a wish, I'm sure that something magical would happen!

This two-strand necklace is full of movement and grace! In my original plans (which often go astray), it was going to be three-strands, and tied off with a red, silk strand. My muse said "enough", after I completed the second strand, and then totally scoffed at the red silk. The colour wasn't quite right, and the piece obviously needed more "weight" to anchor the design. So I dipped into my stash, and came up with a short piece of chain, to finish it off with style!

Top Strand:

Four wrapped loop components, with wraps on both ends, three pieces of "Throw me a Curve" chain, and four dangle components.

Wrapped loop component - three 6/0 Seedbeads/one druk/one metal round/one druk/three 6/0 Seedbeads (make a total of four).

Dangle component - add one druk and one 6/0 seedbead onto Ball headpin. Make small wire wrapped loop on the end (make a total of four).

Attach as follows: oval jump ring/W loop component/oval jump ring/chain (3 curves)/oval jump ring/W loop component/oval jump ring/chain (3 curves)/oval jump ring/W loop component/oval jump ring/chain (3 curves)/oval jump ring/W loop component/oval jump ring.

Attach four dangles to middle section of chain, with oval jump rings. Attach to jump rings on either end, and to loops on either side of middle curve in chain. Do not attach directly to the curved areas, as the dangles will not stay neatly in place (ask me how I know?).

Bottom Strand:

Five wrapped dragonfly (DF) coin loop components, with wraps on both ends, four, four-sun, chain components, two, two-sun chain components, and four dangle components.

Wrapped DF loop component - one 6/0 seedbead/one DF coin bead/one 6/0 seedbead (make a total of five).

Dangle component - add one druk and one 6/0 seedbead onto Ball headpin. Make small wire wrapped loop on the end (make a total of four).

Attach as follows: oval jump ring/one two-sun chain component/one W DF coin loop component/oval jump ring/one four-sun chain component/oval jump ring/one W DF coin loop component/oval jump ring/one four-sun chain component/oval jump ring/one W DF coin loop component/oval jump ring/one four-sun chain component/oval jump ring/one W DF coin loop component/oval jump ring/one four-sun chain component/oval jump ring/one W DF coin loop component/oval jump ring/one two-sun chain component/oval jump ring.

Attach dangles to either side of middle W DF coin loop component with oval jump rings. Then attach one dangle to W DF coin loop component, on the left of the middle component (with oval jump ring). Next, you will attach the final dangle to the W DF coin loop component, on the right of the middle component (with oval jump ring). Note: I chose to attach the dangles to the W loops, but it might be better to actually attach them to the oval jump rings (the choice is yours!).

Pulling it all together:

Attach the first side of Strand One to one-13 mm-open circle, with a 7 mm round jump ring.

Attach the second side of Strand One to one-13 mm-open Circle, with a 7 mm round jump ring.

Attach the first side of Strand Two to one-13 mm-open circle, with a 7 mm round jump ring.

Attach the second side of Strand Two to one-13 mm-open circle, with a 7 mm round jump ring.

Attach the first open circle to a 2 - inch piece of Rolo chain.

Attach the second open circle to a 2 - inch piece of Rolo chain.

Attach Hook Clasp to right side of Rolo chain, with a 7mm round jump ring.

Attach Swivel/Rotating Link to the left side of Rolo chain, with a 7 mm round jump ring.

If you don't know how to make wrapped loops, check out our "Tips" section, take a class, buy a book or magazine, Google it, or watch a video. The real secret is practice, so just get out there and do it!!

Tools used:

Flush cutters

Chain nose pliers

Round nose pliers

Show the world your carefree side, by either dressing this necklace up or down. Pair it with silk, linen, cotton, chambray, lace or even leather. Perhaps a little bohemian, but definitely perfect for someone wishing to make a quiet statement!

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Qty: 5 s43368 Chain - Throw me a Curve - Distressed Gunmetal (Inch)Price: $ 0.25
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Qty: 10 s40266 Chain - 5mm Sunburst Chain - Antiqued Silver (Inch)Price: $ 1.04
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Qty: 5 s34388 Chain - 7mm Rolo Chain - Semi-Matte Antique Silver (Inch)Price: $ 0.63
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Qty: 1 s41528 Craft Wire - 20ga - Brushed Silver (Parawire)Price: $ 6.50
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Qty: 1 s49346 Czech Glass - 18mm Dragonfly Coin - Fire Opal Picasso (5)Price: $ 6.51
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is unavailable.
Qty: 1 27806206-17 Glass Beads Round - 6mm - Fire and Spice (strand)Price: $ 5.70
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Qty: 1 22601392 Headpins - 2in / 21ga Ball - Gunmetal (50)Price: $ 4.25
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Qty: 1 s48918 Hook Clasp - Classic Hook - BlackPrice: $ 1.75
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Qty: 1 22801015-03 Jump Rings Open - 7mm - Gunmetal (10g)Price: $ 1.99
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Qty: 1 22801101 Jump Rings Oval - Open - 4x5mm - Gunmetal (100)Price: $ 1.95
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Qty: 1 s33183 Link - Swivel - GunmetalPrice: $ 3.20
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Qty: 2 tc94-3087-13 Link - 19mm Hammered Flat Round Ring - BlackPrice: $ 1.85
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Qty: 1 tc94-5626-13 Metal Beads - 6mm Casbah Round - BlackPrice: $ 1.35
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Qty: 1 mb6-4514 Miyuki Seed Beads - 6/0 - Opaque Turquoise Blue PicassoPrice: $ 6.79
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