
Found in many places around the world, including Canada, the USA, South Africa, Namibia, India, and Burma. Tigereye, Tiger Eye, or Tiger's Eye is a chatoyant gemstone - that distinctive "shimmery" effect - and is member of the quartz family.
Earths Jewels Stone Pendant - 35-50mm - Teardrop - Tiger Eye (3 pcs)
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Stone Beads - 10x5mm Faceted Double Drilled Rectangle - Tiger Eye
Each InStore and Online!
Stone Beads - 6mm Big Hole Round - Matte Tiger Eye (strand)
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Stone Pendant - 28mm - Donut with Bail - TigerEye - Platinum Plated
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Stone Pendant - 33mm Hanging Drop - Tiger Eye - Platinum Plated
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Stone Pendant - 34mm Double Horn Crescent Moon - Tiger Eye - Platinum Plated
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Stone Pendant - 56mm Dragon Claw - Tiger Eye - Antiqued Silver
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Stone Beads - 20x10mm Double Drilled Rectangle - Cat's Eye (strand)
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Stone Beads - 4mm Diamond Cut Faceted Coin - TigerEye (strand)
strand InStore and Online!
Stone Pendant - 35mm Pendulum Drop - Tiger Eye - Platinum Plated
strand InStore and Online!
Tigereye has a long history of use as a gemstone, adornment and good luck and protective charm.
Tiger eye is a "chatoyant" stone - which means that it has inclusions of fibrous crystals which give it a silky lustre. The inclusions run parallel in a specific direction, so the stone appears to shimmer slightly as you move it around.
Tiger Iron is composed of bands and layers of three different stones: Tiger's Eye, Jasper and Hematite.