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Tila Beads

Miyuki Tilas come in 3 sizes, the full (original square), half, and quarter - each bead size being a shorter version of the last. Tilas are quite thin and elegant, a dainty bead with a very regular look.

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<p> Since 2010 - a new shape from Miyuki - TILA beads (pronounced Tee-la, rhymes with Lee-la.)</p> <p> These are a flat, square bead with two holes.</p> <p> Miyuki would like you to know the following:</p> <p> <i>... certain care should be taken in handling TILA BEADS to prevent being chipped or cracked. Because of the character of TILA (thin, square and double hole), it is a little bit easier to be chipped or cracked, compared with other Miyuki beads (donut-shaped or cylinders). Please do not dump them out from a height onto a hard surface, rather, pour them out gently onto a bead mat ... </i></p> <p> Not that we think you are dumping your beads on the counter from a great height, but just so you know.</p> <p> Here are some design ideas from Miyuki. They have some patterns on their <a href="http://www.miyuki-beads.co.jp/english/tila/" target="_blank">web site</a> too that maximize the rather interesting two hole design possibilities. (Site will open in new window. Be patient - it takes awhile to load.)</p>

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