White Howlite

Howlite was originally discovered in Nova Scotia by a Canadian - Henry How - in 1868. It was brought to his attention by some miners in a gypsum quarry - who found it to be a nuisance. Henry was not, however, responsible for the name. He gave it, instead, the accurately descriptive but less than evocative name "silico-boro-calcite." The name Howlite - for Heny How - came along later.
Commonly, Howlite is found in irregular nodules - rather resembling chunks of cauliflower. It is quite soft - only 3.5 on the Mohs scale - which means that it will scratch up if worn in bracelets and banged around. Don't dump it into your jewelry box in a mess with all the chains. Fortunately - scratches won't show on this white stone, making it more practical than it would be otherwise.
White Howlite is also sometimes called White Turquoise or White Buffalo Turquoise or White Buffalo Stone. While we have no objection to the name "White Buffalo Stone" - we don't approve of slapping the word "turquoise" onto every random stone that comes along.
It is a white to grey stone - with interesting grey and black veins - that deserves to be enjoyed for it's own sake. While the original stone was discovered in Canada - it is currently coming from mines in California.