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"Leaf" My Leftovers Alone!

by: Anne Marie Desaulniers

A sweet, little floating wrap bracelet, made with leftover pearls, from my "Rosaline's Journey" necklace. The pearls were paired with sterling rounds, a single leaf, and then finished it off with a sparkling clasp.  Light, lovely and simple in design, yet incredibly fast and easy to construct!

The steps are as follows:

Part 1:
- Wrap beading wire, around your wrist, twice (but not too tight). Remember to leave a little extra room for the loops, and don't forget that you will be adding a clasp.
- Add a large crimp to one end of the beading wire.
- Loop the beading wire around one end of clasp (the side with the crystal), then through crimp again (making a comfortable loop, approximately 1/4 " in length, and leaving one end, slightly longer).
- Squeeze the crimp gently, with the tip of your needle nose pliers.
- Check to make sure the wire loop is secure, then trim the loose end of the wire.
- Add a crimp cover, over the flattened crimp, and then squeeze gently with your needle nose pliers.

Part 2:
- Now start stringing your beads, pearls, and the small crimps (size 0), in the design of your choice.  I like a fairly random pattern, so my design, is as follows:

Note:  You will need to flatten each of the small crimps (size 0) gently, with your needle nose pliers.  Leave enough room on either side of the crimps, to allow the rounds and pearls to float and move.  Make sure that the crimps are secure.

- crimp/round/pearl/crimp
- round/round/crimp
- pearl/pearl/crimp
- round/pearl/round/crimp
- pearl/round/pearl/crimp
- round/crimp
- pearl/pearl/crimp
- round/crimp
- round/pearl/leaf/pearl/round/crimp
- round/pearl/round/pearl/round/crimp
- round/pearl/round/crimp
- round/round/crimp

Part 3:
- Add a large crimp to the remaining end of the beading wire.
- Loop the beading wire around one end of clasp (the side without the crystal), then through crimp again (making a comfortable loop, approximately 1/4 " in length, and leaving one end, slightly longer).
- Squeeze the crimp gently, with the tip of your needle nose pliers.
- Check to make sure the wire loop is secure, then trim the loose end of the wire.
- Add a crimp cover, over the flattened crimp, and then squeeze gently with your needle nose pliers.

Enjoy wearing or gifting your bracelet!

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Qty: 1 s16716 Cone Tooled Leather Texture - SterlingPrice: $ 3.95
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Qty: 1 24001011 Crimp Bead Covers Smooth - 4mm - Bright Silvertone (100)Price: $ 6.85
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Qty: 1 24000982 Crimp Beads - 1.3mm - Silverplated (1.5 grams)

(13 used )

Price: $ 4.78
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Qty: 1 24001006-01 Crimp Beads - 2.5mm - Bright Silvertone (100)Price: $ 2.39
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Qty: 1 s34396 Finding - Box Clasp w Swarovski Elements - Faceted Round - Crystal AB - Sterling FilledPrice: $ 14.55
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is unavailable.
96036000 Softflex (tm) Beading Wire - 30ft .014 (Fine) - Extreme Sterling Silver (Spool)Price: $ 43.60
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Qty: 1 96002414 Sterling Beads - 4mm Seamless Round - Bright Sterling (50)

(17 used )

Price: $ 34.95
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Qty: 1 27758101155001 Swarovski Pearl - 8mm Round Pearl (5810) - Rosaline Pearl (strand 25)

(13 pearls used - leftovers from ROSEALINE'S JOURNEY inspiration )

Price: $ 8.80
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is unavailable.

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