May 2020 Bead Mat Update: A study in contrasts!

May 2020 bead mat update, is definitely a study in contrasts. The world is starting to open up, but we’re all holding our breath, to see which way the tide will turn. Fingers, toes, and everything else crossed, that all will be well! This is a brand new world, and we need to adjust to it!

Everything still feels pretty grey, but I’ve decided to continue to experiment, then paint my personal world with colour! Why do that, you say? Well, I’m the eternal optimist, cannot bear to watch the nightly news, but then tend to read all about it the next day. Somehow, I find reading is more tolerable, than all that raw exploitation of family grief. This is not new, it’s something I do a lot. No, I don’t bury my head in the sand!!

I had a great idea on Monday night! I wanted to make myself a new pair of earrings, so pulled out the sterling silver box, then went to town. The blue points (which I love), and their earring findings, were more recent purchases, but all of the others were not. Some of the components were aging in place, for at least a couple of years. I wanted simple, and I wanted wearable, but they also had to look good. So, in less than an hour, I made all of the earrings. I’m not sure how many of the components are still available, but if you’re interested, look here. The points were from last week’s update, but I think I may have purchased the last silver/blue ones. But here’s where you can find the cool ear wires.

may 2020 bead mat update

My “Dancing” piece is coming along nicely, so here’s my weekly update!

may 2020 bead mat update
Did you notice that I’m starting to layer?

Here’s what I did with a component, that was about to be thrown in the garbage! I smashed it silly, with a heavy hammer, then dressed it up with Antique Copper, and Seafoam Pearl, Vintaj Patinas, then brushed on a coat of their Gloss Glaze (Metal Sealer and Patina Extender). I’m not sure what I’m going to do with this yet, but I do like the effect, and might need to smash a few more!

may 2020 bead mat update
It’s apparently solid brass, and pretty cool!

I think this one was being thrown away as well, but it smashed nice and flat, and even has a little depression in the back, that could be filled with resin (not shown).

Antique copper, with no change in colour after smashing!

This is a current Manager’s Special component. Originally intended to fit a 14 mm Swarovski Rivoli, but I’m challenging myself (or is Dwyn challenging me?) to use it in other ways. This is the first!

I’m not there yet, but it has promise! More next week…..

First, I closed the loop on the top, with my chain nose pliers. Next, I glued on some hand-coloured Washi paper, then when the front was dry, applied more glue and paper to the back. I tore off any excess, then treated both front, and back with the Vintaj Gloss Glaze. I’m also thinking of using resin, but that’s for another week! When I do this again, I’ll probably use a more vibrant print, for an entirely different look. I have more component sets to go, so it will be an interesting experiment.

But what are you going to do with these rings, you say? Why make earrings, of course, but they would also make a nice pendant, or charm.

Next on my May 2020 bead mat update, and in preparation for when our retail store re-opens, I’ve been making myself some masks. Some are from the stash of a generous friend, but the batiks are mine! I think that we will need these for a good while, so why not think of them as a fashion accessory, and make one for every outfit?

may 2020 bead mat update
Easy to sew, and comfortable!
may 2020 bead mat update
I need to fix the elastic!
Stitching in waiting!
More of the same!

Not so colourful, but still plenty of fun! A simple technique, involving paper and warm tea, over rusty objects, then covered with plastic wrap!

No plastic wrap on this one!
An under-paper.
How many faces do you see?

Then, I must not forget to tell you that I’ve started a new scroll! I’ll plan to hand-stitch all the sections (to both the front, and back), then I’ll embellish to my heart’s content. Many of the fabric bits are from another friend, but I’m also using paper, stash items, and scraps from mask-making. It’s going to be colourful!

As I close my May 2020 bead mat update, I want everyone to focus on the end of the rainbow! Both colour, and beads are healthy, and will continue to help us deal with our current situation. It won’t be forever, but we must remain vigilant!! We miss you, and want to see you back at BeadFX again!

Keep well, maintain social distancing, and wash your hands!