Changing it Up: In a colourful way!

I’m changing it up, but in a colourful way! Just because I’m having some trouble with my dominant hand, it doesn’t mean that I cannot do anything creative. Although I’m trying not to do any lengthy beading, or stitching marathons, it doesn’t mean that I will stop those activities completely. I plan to take more breaks, then switch off with less hand intensive, activities. First up, the beading! Only the blue/green pin was stitched last weekend. The rest were done over time. However, I thought that you might like to see them all together. Now that I have enough samples, …

Cool Comfort on Hot Days: Or, how to beat the heat!

Still searching for cool comfort on hot days! But, the best way to beat the heat, is to bead inside, with icy refreshments, and the air conditioner running. I’ve tried to bead outside, but the glare of the sun always seems to bother me. Yes, I could use sunglasses, but mine are only good for distance, and not for beading, and reading.  It just wouldn’t work. Last week, I told you that I was going to cut back on my beading, to give my thumb a chance to rest. Of course, I didn’t do that, so am currently paying for …

Hump Day Blues: – Ain’t it the truth?

If I’ve got hump day blues, is it any wonder? It could be that it’s just a grey day, or then again I may just be suffering from ennui. What is “ennui”? It’s a feeling of listlessness, or dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement. Is that really what I mean? Could it possibly be true? I’m normally fairly positive. I haven’t started in on the June section of my year-long, Bead-A-Long project yet, and it’s the 14th of June already. My prompt for June is “anything goes”! Was that too broad of a prompt for me? Is …